MBA Fellows Program

The Multnomah Bar Association Bar Fellows Program is a highly selective program designed to address the key goal of diversifying the Oregon bar by recruiting and supporting diverse law students who have a strong commitment to practice law in Oregon.  The program provides a first-summer paid internship, substantial scholarships throughout law school, multiple networking opportunities, judicial mentorship, and other resources designed to support the Bar Fellows' success in law school and in their Oregon legal careers. As it grows, this program will support many Oregon law students in their legal education and legal careers, and will make a meaningful improvement in the diversity of our bar. The inaugural class of Multnomah Bar Fellows began law school in the fall of 2018.

In order to be competitive for the MBA Bar Fellows Program, applicants must (1) demonstrate outstanding potential for success in the legal profession, (2) demonstrate a strong commitment to or interest in practicing law in Oregon, and (3) contribute to the diversity of the Oregon State Bar.  "Diversity" is broadly defined, and participating law schools will consider various ways in which applicants have the capacity to diversify the bar.  The participating law schools are the University of Oregon and Lewis & Clark.  Applicants apply before the first year of law school. Learn more here.

Congratulations to our 2024-25 Bar Fellows!

From Lewis & Clark Law School (bios):
Jade Miller
Victoria Minnieweather
Tracey Nguyen
Amarit Ubhi

From the University of Oregon School of Law (bios):
Jenna Hamze
Merrick Studer
Kana Yoshigi

The participating law schools—the University of Oregon and Lewis & Clark—support the Bar Fellows program in many ways. To learn more, click here.

The MBA Bar Fellows Program Corporate and Law Firm Sponsors

The Multnomah Bar Association is seeking corporate and law firm sponsors for its Bar Fellows program, which will increase the diversity of the legal community in our county by supporting a group of diverse University of Oregon and Lewis & Clark law students. As MBA Bar Fellows, the students will receive financial support, mentoring, and summer internship opportunities. The program's goal is to foster a new generation of excellent lawyers who will enhance the diversity of our legal community. Learn more about becoming a 1L Summer Sponsor.  

2025 Summer Sponsors

Allegiant Law
Ballard Spahr
Dunn Carney
Markowitz Herbold
Oregon Women Lawyers Foundation - funding a fellow at Legal Aid Services or Oregon
Professional Liability Fund and Stoel Rives - funding a fellow at The Commons Law Center